An Immersive high quality collection
The International Space Station's engineering complexity and its long history deserve to have its highlights expanded in the most ideal and detailed way as possible: and the best way to do that is a book with the highest quality images from the depths of National Archives from the space agencies and companes that worked to conceive, manufacture, build and operate a marvelous orbiting machine.
Those who crave "everything-you-need-to-know about the ISS", this book is the one you've always dreamed of.

front cover
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Seven Chapters - All in one Book
If you want a general understanding of the insights and insides of the space station, without the weight and mindblowing technical stuff, the
seven chapters it contains simplifify the advanced level information and huge topic ellaborations into a easy-to-read and portable format - with all major topics compressed into one book. Its a great way to know the basics, and still grasp an understanding of techically elegant areas about the International Space Station.